Application Process
It’s easy! Call us at 201-358-0050 or click the button below to fill out our online application. Once completed, our team will follow up with you to discuss your service. Please note that this is not a free meal service. Please refer to the “Cost” section below for price options. If you have any questions please call us between the hours of 10AM – 3PM, Monday through Friday.

How it Works
Meals Delivery
Our volunteer drivers deliver a two-meal package that caters to the specific dietary needs of our clients every weekday, except certain holidays. Our daily delivery includes a sandwich, a hot meal, two milks, juice, fresh fruit and dessert at a reasonable cost. Special diet meals are also available. Our menus are developed by registered dieticians and prepared by Rockland Meals on Wheels in their full-service kitchen. The kitchen is inspected regularly by local and state health inspectors.
Clients must be home bound, live alone, cannot shop and cook for themselves and have a home health aid no more than 4 hours a day. A doctor’s referral specifying diet and need may also be required. Some of our clients receive meals while recovering from surgery or illness, while others receive them indefinitely.
For clients applying for the subsidized meal program, priority is given to those most vulnerable due to lack of support, disability and/or poverty.
Meals are delivered by our caring volunteers between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. The client is responsible for proper storage of the delivered meals. Any uneaten food should be refrigerated immediately. Food cannot be left at the door or in a cooler; please contact our office if you will not be at home. We cannot accept returned meals. Our drivers are not permitted to give medications or to move clients. Click here for a list of towns we service.
Effective March 1st, 2024, the cost for two meals (hot & cold) is $12.00/day or $7.50/day (for hot only). There is a two week minimum for our service. Any meals not cancelled on the day prior to service will be charged to the client.
There is a required refundable deposit per person for all new clients. $100 deposit for the one (1) meal program or $150 deposit for the two (2) meal program. Checks should be made payable to Meals on Wheels North Jersey.
A home assessment is required for all clients who would like to be considered for the *subsidized meal program. Services are provided through the Bergen County Division of Senior Services at no charge for eligible clients.
*This program provides one (1) hot meal, one milk, one juice, one piece of fruit and two slices of bread. The cost of any additional meals such as a cold sandwich will be the responsibility of the client. There is no required deposit once accepted into this program.
Meals on Wheels North Jersey delivers each weekday (weather permitting) except for New Years Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Service may be suspended on rare occasions due to inclement weather.
Grievance Policy
Participants who believe that they have been improperly denied service or who are dissatisfied with the service provided, may take action in the following order:
- Initial complaint is to be made to the Executive Director of Meals on Wheels North Jersey, who will conduct an informal discussion in an attempt to resolve the complaint.
- If informal discussions with the Executive Director are not met with satisfaction, the participant is provided with an opportunity to submit a written complaint to the Board of Trustees.
Meals Application Form